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Hensel Integra Pro Kit Power Factory 1000

Hensel Integra Pro Kit Power Factory 1000


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Integra 500 Monolight
Why do some things work better than others? Why is it that you don’t need a user manual to find out how exactly everything works? And why do your fingers find the right switch without hesitation, even in total darkness? In our case, the answer is easy: it is the result of over three decades of compact flash design, the R&D efforts of an experienced team of engineers and our openness to the needs of our customers. Integra Plus are reliable workhorses for commercial photographers.

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• Short flash duration down to 1/1,400 s and fast flash sequences from 0.5 s
• Adjustable 6 f-stop power range in 1/10 f-stops
• Bright 300W model light & active cooling
• Bi-voltage (110 V and 230 V)
• Glass cover included
• Off-grid operation in combination with Power Max L (optional accessory)
• Stable metal housing


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